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Woodford Primary School

Woodford Primary School


Religion and Worldview has an important place in the curriculum at Woodford Primary School. It provides a safe space for young people to develop their understanding of people, cultures, faiths and relationships.  At Woodford, we use the Plymouth Agreed Syllabus in KS1 and the Opening Worlds programme, which is a knowledge-rich humanities programme for the teaching of religion, in KS2.  Our intent is that pupils will learn about and learn from the different kinds of questions human beings can ask about religious origins, beliefs and practices.  Our curriculum encompasses 4 key  strands: philosophy, theology, social sciences and history. We aim to provide our pupils with an informed curiosity about the world, developing the skills to think critically about how to change the world for the common good and to understand and value the diverse experiences and contributions of others who may be very different from themselves.  The teaching of Religion and Worldview helps our pupils to develop their own sense of identity as they look across time, space and culture and see many positive versions of themselves.