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Woodford Primary School

Woodford Primary School

Home Learning

At Woodford Primary School, we value the importance of home learning, not only in assisting and consolidating pupils learning and progress but in promoting a partnership with parents. The home learning we set is carefully chosen to support children reach their potential in the classroom and beyond regardless of age, gender or cultural background.

NUMBOTS (Year 1 - Year 6)

We recommend playing for 10 minutes, at least 3 times per week.


We recommend playing for 10 minutes, at least 3 times per week. 

SPELLING SHED (Year 1 - Year 6)

Children should aim to reach 'Soldier Bee' on each of their weekly lists.

Reading (EYFS - Year 6)

Reading is the single most important indicator of future success in all subjects, so we are passionate about ensuring that all of our pupils develop a love for reading.  We will provide a school library book that is carefully matched to each child’s reading ability to be read at home and suggest reading every day.  Home reading should be logged in learning planners at least 3 times per week.

Oxford Owl provide a range of free ebooks for children aged 3-11  which can accessed via their website at

In school we also use Jigsaw to support the children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Jigsaw offer free access to their 'Families' programme to continue to support children at home. To access this go to and use the password 'home'.


Please keep an eye on class pages and Class Dojo for any future updates with activities for home learning. You can use the messaging facility via Class Dojo to keep in touch with class teachers.